Tag Archive: WFL II Off Season

WFL II Off Season: Trades

{ I engineered a way to evaluate trades that combines real life performance and WFL performance in a way that feels acceptable. This allows trades, which are listed below in rough order of blockbusterliness. } Defensive PoY Candidate Heads North…
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WFL II Off Season: Filling out the 48

The final 13 selections for each team. The format has changed here–one row per team.

WFL II OffSeason: Getting to 30

Because of different reserve/special teams/kicking retentions, teams now have between 27 and 29 players. This draft gets them up to 30, with random selections, with a slight prejudice towards franchise teams, from the now-enlarged pool of all players who were…
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WFL II Offseason: The Little 5 Draft

Each team adding five players, moving towards the completion of their starting lineups.

WFL II OffSeason: The Big 3 Draft

{ This is the first of a series of posts detailing the various offseason drafts. Each team has protected 12 players, and a variety of different mechanisms are in place that will allow players to move around the league, while…
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